Ranging from music videos and corporate adverts to wildlife and online course production among others, I aim to produce captivating and immersive narratives via the medium of video. RRaannggiinnggffrroommmmuussiiccvviiddeeoossaannddccoorrppoorraatteeaaddvveerrttssttoowwiillddlliiffeeaannddoonnlliinneeccoouurrsseepprroodduuccttiioonnaammoonnggootthheerrss,,IIaaiimmttoopprroodduucceeccaappttiivvaattiinnggaannddiimmmmeerrssiivveennaarrrraattiivveessvviiaatthheemmeeddiiuummooffvviiddeeoo..
Having directed over 70 courses for the 'Courses with Spotify' feature within the Spotify app. I have worked with such a broad range of artists and creatives across a variety of locations, crew sizes and production value
I have completed many self-shooter projects and own my own industry standard equipment. I've work in Premiere Pro and Davinci Resolve. With over 7+ years of experience with the software. I have overcome many obstacles with these tools.
I provide drone videography as a facet of my filmmaking. It provides such a unique look and adds huge value to any film.